3 Tips for Building Bridges with Teens

In 2019, I had the opportunity to deliver a talk titled "Growing Teenagers" at Guildford Wellness Day. Alongside my research, I spoke to a number of parents who had already navigated these years and curated their advice HERE.

This week’s newsletter is a response to a random dialogue I recently had with a dad, where we discussed various ways to build bridges with teens. Below are 3 tips, which can be applied to all our relationships, so I hope you find them beneficial ⬇️

  1. One effective way to establish a connection is by actively listening. Teenagers often have a lot to say, and when adults genuinely listen to their thoughts, opinions, and concerns, it shows that their voice matters. Engaging in open and non-judgmental conversations allows teenagers to feel heard and understood, fostering a sense of trust and connection. By being present and attentive, adults can create an environment where teenagers feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and seeking guidance when needed.

  2. Another crucial aspect of building connections with teenagers is showing empathy and understanding. Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and change, both physically and emotionally, and teenagers often face a myriad of challenges and uncertainties. By acknowledging their experiences and validating their emotions, adults can demonstrate that they care and empathise with what they are going through. Taking the time to understand their perspective, even if it differs from our own, helps build a bridge of understanding and strengthens the connection between us.

  3. Lastly, engaging in activities that teenagers enjoy can help foster connection and create shared experiences. Whether it's playing a sport, exploring a shared hobby, playing a video game together, or attending events - participating in activities that interest teenagers can create opportunities for bonding and building connections. Such shared experiences provide a common ground for conversation and allow adults to connect with teenagers more personally.

My teens’ A Levels and GCSEs are over, phew, so my hubby and daughter took a trip to Jordan, whilst my son partied with his mates in Xante.

Petra in Jordan

Meanwhile, I enjoyed some time alone, and the zen of a tidy kitchen!

I also took part in Steve Page and the team’s Big BIS event at Surrey Sports Park in Guildford » PIC. I enrolled a few more speakers to join July 20th’s Random Dialogues speaking event - 6 speakers, up to 6 minutes each, livestreamed … Are you feeling courageous enough to give it a go » INFO

✒️5 Sentences from You

(a weekly space for readers to share 5 sentences - keep them coming)

via Yvette Masure 🐼 #wabisabi

📰Good News Friday

☀️Worth remembering - Colin sent the graphic below over in response to last week’s Summertime, Sewen blog from Yvette. Thanks!


💧AnneLize is helping me create a wildlife pond. Here I am “pondering” by hers.


  • Sunday 9th July, 10 am to 8 pm, Burpham Wellfest - Activities for All, #stayallday. I’ll be speaking on the World of Wellbeing for Young People Panel at noon about “8 Ways to Bolster Children’s Resilience” » REGISTER 

  • Thursday 25th July, 8 pm to 9 pm Random Dialogues #25 online, 6 speakers, 6 minutes each » INFO

  • Thursday 27th July, 10 am to noon, Guildford Buzz, at ZERO Guildford » ATTEND

  • Monday 4th September, 6 pm FREE Canva for Beginners with me on Zoom » BOOK 

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

Thanks as always for your contributions, encouragement, and for listening.


PS, I’ve worked out how to embed a vid on the web. CLICK ⬇️


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