
by Random Dialoguist Mia Price (welcome to the team Mia!)

I’d been thinking hard for maybe a week or so about what I’d write for Random Dialogues when usually my approach isn’t to ‘try and think’ at all. I’ve found that chasing for answers (or anything for that matter) doesn’t get me anywhere because it just intensifies the feeling of ‘lack’ I have of the very thing I'm seeking! Which then, in turn, becomes a spiral of lack, lack intensified, so more lack of, so lack of intensified, so still just lack… see? So instead, I thought I’d treat it how I treat everything else: I’d let go of the outcome and any resistance of being attached to the outcome, thus giving the answers space to arise. And arise they did!

I had been at a Philosophy festival at the weekend, at the very first talk of the day, a talk that had been titled something rather fitting: Epiphanies. And, somewhen between the opening line and the closing pitch for their new book, I myself had, ironically, but perhaps predictably, an Epiphany! More on that later.

Epiphanies are wonderful things. Conceive of them how you like: a message from the universe, from God or from yourself, but in all cases, it feels as though we gain direct access to truth - whether it be of the necessary/logical/objective kind, or the contingent/relating to our specific subjective lives kind. But regardless, I find that all kinds of realisations have something in common: they arise in moments of stillness or ‘space’, as I said earlier. Only when the everyday chatter in our minds (albeit inevitable as humans) quietens… only when we, even for a split second, become aware of the space in between our thoughts, does the penny actually drop.

You might say, well, isn’t a realisation made up of thought? How can I have a realisation outside of my thoughts? And you’d be making a valid point. Because I think it’s actually both, a feedback loop between feeling the penny drop and its articulation as thought that forms the entirety of a realisation. A feedback loop between the subconscious and conscious mind… a feedback loop between yourself and yourself. The you that’s doing the asking and the you with the answers. Except all the while you think you don’t have the answers, reinforced perpetually by the fact that you’re hunting for them, you won’t see them. You won’t have that Epiphany.

So I like to think of Epiphanies as, instead of gaining access to truth, you’re actually simply shedding, even for the briefest of moments, the narrative that you don’t already have the answers you’re looking for. The clouds lift, and you just, for a split second (but an impactful one), remember.

Finally, what was the Epiphany I had during that talk? Well, it was simply that I would just write from my experience. And the experience that I’m writing about today is of the very epiphany that has brought me here, scribbling into my Random Dialogues notebook (thank you Jane), something that will hopefully make it onto my laptop and then further, into Random Dialogues.

✒️5 Sentences from You

a weekly space for readers to share 5 (ish) sentences

Sent over by Ian Moncrieff MacMillan …

»I spotted this fab letter from Marge Simpson to US First Lady Barbara Bush

and her reply…

📰Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists

»Endings and New Beginings - Supermoon Energy and Transformation Pre-Requisite to Create by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth 🌱

It’s a Supermoon (again) and following the Astrology of such, I have heard this is a full-on power ball: inciting change… death … and transformation….no less: and will go through to the end of this year, and worldwide. U.S.A. and Taiwan in particular … 🤔

However to the point..Random Dialogue: I had a visit from a Hornet in the kitchen in the middle of the night on Friday .. & into my bedroom …😱shocking, dare I say traumatic, as I have a broken arm and leg at the moment: you can imagine.

Both my daughter and grandson were out of the house 😱A story to tell.. too …but in a nutshell for today’s topic of transformation, I had to choose to let the hornet die: in fact, the only choice, under a glass🙏A part of me died with it.

Same conclusion as a little blackbird in the garden. Death again was certainly on the menu: no more worms. I was moved to share the transformation. And tell the tales.

As it’s Supermoon & transformation time.

Myself unable to do more, my attitude turned to ‘Endings and New beginnings.’ And The ‘way’ I could embrace the worst-case scenario: in both cases: death.

However, it is the way we perceive death and move into thinking creatively perhaps, about rebirth or transformation: changes and transformations, no less, that enable us to manage what could be new life. Yes.

And a new way of living.

Creativity is a life force; perhaps even THE life force.

Now that IS wabi sabi 🙏

The art of managing impermanence, though it is more of a feeling, than a concept. To say the least.

Another future Random Dialogue perhaps?

All food for thought 💭

#wabisabi 💚

»Brief by Jason | The Artist Living in the Shadows 🧑‍🎨


  • Saturday 8th October, 12pm to 4pm - 🍎Open Day with Apple Pressing at Rosamund Community Garden in Guildford PRESS

  • Tuesday 10th October September, 10am to noon - Networking Comes Alive at GLIVE! 🐝Guildford Buzz » BOOK

  • Monday 13th November, 8 pm 🎨FREE Canva for Beginners on Zoom » CREATE WITH ME

  • Wednesday 10th January, 8 pm to 9 pm 📣Random Dialogues #25 online 6 speakers, 6 minutes each, 60 minutes. INFO

🔚And Finally

🎣And a Bit More Finally

I updated Clare (well her pic) and will be filming her in the garden talking about this soon.

What’s the Topic, Issue, or Subject that you’re Passionate About and Want to Share?

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

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