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- The Great Protein Mousecapade
The Great Protein Mousecapade
The smell hit her hard, catching her off guard as she opened the cupboard under the stairs. There, amidst the shadows, she spotted a hole nibbled into the side of a box. Curiosity, tinged with dread, urged her to lift the lid.
What she found made her gasp, a massive pile of droppings.
"Jane, there were more than you can possibly imagine," she whispered in disbelief.
The culprits hadn’t stopped at the box. Her eyes were drawn to the chewed edges of a plastic tub - her grandson Sammy’s expensive protein powder container. She reached for it, but as she lifted the container, her heart sank even further. It was empty. The entire tub of powder had been devoured, leaving only the mangled, shredded remains of the plastic packaging behind.
Sammy had stored most of his belongings elsewhere while working abroad, leaving just a few boxes behind at Nanny Gill’s in Streatham, trusting they’d be safe. Little did he know that his carefully packed things had become a feast for uninvited guests.
Nanny Gill sighed, shaking her head. The cozy home she had kept so neat and tidy for years was now overrun. There was no question about it; she had to call in pest control. This was no ordinary mouse problem, this was an all-out rodent rebellion.
But before she could reach for the phone, she heard a faint scuffling noise. Her eyes darted to the back of the cupboard, where a pair of beady eyes gleamed back at her in the darkness.
"Oh, you little devils..." she muttered. It seemed this battle was just beginning.
To be continued...

🖋️Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists
⚡How To Grow Younger, Medicine of the Future Series Part 41 by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth🌱
“This A Shout Out” 🤗🙌👌
Met a good man last week. It was during a random dialogues meetup at a pub, where we gathered to share our expertise.
I’m almost up to speed after eight months of recovery from a smashed knee and arm. There is no need for a walking stick now. I was sitting, and he sat next to me.
Fortuitous, to say the least. He specialises in pain and mobility issues, treating everyone gently.
He was the perfect person for me at that moment in time. Such serendipity—I love it when that happens, randomly. He practices the Bowen Technique, Emotional Freedom Technique, and is a Reiki Master teacher:
Adams Holistic Healthcare
Adam Buttery
Farnham Natural Therapy, Alexandra House
1 Waverley Lane, Farnham GU9 8BB
01252 596678
07906 757452
It was a good experience of natural energetic healing—forces that many do not deliver.
The ideas to which we commit ourselves are unseen, as are all our spiritual convictions and emotional ties. We even hide from ourselves... So, I decided on a shout-out :)
Reflecting on that, the light visible to us is only one small spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The world around us is an encyclopedia of the discrete. David Mitchell writes in Cloud Atlas: "Power, time, gravity, love. The forces that really kick ass are all invisible."
This nicely leads me into the week’s main event—the astrological and invisible portal of Sirius, called the "Lions Gate Portal," due by 8/8. It’s where the unseen has the power to enable us, if we are tuned into it, to manifest what we have not yet managed but desire this year.
An interesting concept to look into. More in next week’s edition on how to tune in (it lasts a while). Medicine of the future. 🙏
Health is wealth💚🌱
Also occasionally posting on Instagram

🐤Guildford Swift Project
Although most of our swifts have gone now, with just a few still in nests here and there, plenty of swifts remain in rehab, awaiting recovery to be fit enough for release. They are being treated and cared for 24/7 by remarkable, dedicated specialist swift rehabbers. Some swifts are still being found grounded and in need of rescue.
Here is a local bird being released by the rehabber. This swift lost a tail feather in a fight with another swift. The feather will grow back, and the bird was rested and fed to the right weight over five days. Off it goes to its freedom—a little wobbly at first due to the missing tail feather, but it soon gets the hang of it.
⚡The Artist Living in the Shadows 🎨
Step 1. Scribble on a piece of paper. Don’t think about what you want to scribble. Just go for it
Step 2. Get any pencil. Start to draw into the pen scribble. Don’t think about what you want it to look like. Just go for it.
Step 3. With a pen, scribble some more and then repeat step 2 Well, that’s how I relax anyhow.

🔚And Finally
🏁And a Bit More Finally
Explore the Surrey Hills with Steve Page, your adventure awaits! CLICK HERE
Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish)
As always, thank you for your reviews ⬇️
Random Dialogues “Stand Up & Speak For Yourself 26” is on Wednesday September 25. What’s a topic, issue or subject you feel passionate about and would like to share?
It’s always so lovely to hear from you, so please do let me know what you think about today’s newsletter and any of the topics from the Random Dialogue’s crew. You may like to respond to this directly, comment in the boxes, or send a message to [email protected].