Random Dialogues 23.2.24, 6:08 am (ish)

“I need a cigarette!” she announced.

“You smoke?” 

“Yes on occasion.”

“Why now then?”

“Not sure…”


That’s what my friend taught me many years ago. 


He was a member of the AA - Alcoholics Anonymous.

  • Hungry

  • Angry

  • Lonely 

  • Tired

When you reach for “THAT” thing, whatever it is for you… chocolate, coffee, cake, cocaine, whisky, marijuana, green tea (is that just me?)… 


And just have that little quiet and kind check-in with yourself and do something else instead. 

🖋️Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists

⚡ A Prayer and a bit of a Random Encounter | Seeing The Way with Ian Moncrieff MacMillan 👀

Love the incredible Anne-Laure Le Cunff's Curiosity Prayer

“Grant me the curiosity to explore the things I do not understand, the courage to question the things I do, and the wisdom to never stop learning.”

(There's a nice visual reminder Jae Wiliams added to Anne-Laure's original Twitter/X post here.)

And a new word I bumped into this week. A curious coincidence...

⚡Meditations and Reflections | How to Grow Younger Series Part 17 by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth 🌱

How amazing, it’s the 1st of March! After the brightest and 1st full moon in the Year of the Jade Dragon, we are on our way into 2024!

No doubt, like the birds, some excitement kicks in, preparations, new horizons, dreams, and desires emerge: like the new shoots seen all around us in nature now🙏

Talking with my friend, and planning to catch up with an old friend going back 30 years now, from London due this week: here in Guildford, my mind wonders what dreams and wishes we may discuss for the year ahead.

Oh, I would love to relive, back then &  in my mind's eye I do here.

We had such adventures in the 80s and 90s together. Kings Road London, then the fashion centre, Portobello Road, café Royale Leicester Square and clubbing, design living, Conran, and Habitat. The world was my oyster with the celebrities of the day. Bowie, Mick Hucknall Pet Shop Boys to mention a few ….

Oh yes, it was fun! 

And now….my dream and desire to visit Tibet again,  and travel. I missed out on my Japan trip, due to Covid. All cancelled. C’est lá vie.

Travel new projects, newly found and old friendships, and creativity … still searching for that happiness. How can I get Tibet to come to me with still a healing broken leg? 

So let’s stop the moment and take a moment to stop that chattering mind literally. Take a moment to centre oneself to contemplate the outer world.

It is a potential treasure trove but the inner world, with so much space inside us, is also.

The outer world is full of conditional happiness. In our inner space it is true happiness 🙏In Meditation I go with the flow and the balance, which I know will grow.

Breath. Live. Life.🍄💚🌱


⚡The Artist Living in the Shadows 🎨

⚡An Update from Sarah “Swift” Davis 🍃

A very cold, blustery February day on Pewley Meadows for our 'Lookering' training with Surrey Wildlife Trust. A big thank you to Angus and Sarah of SWT for such an interesting and informative session. We have thoroughly enjoyed doing our lookering duties of the Belted Galloways, who soon will be leaving us for pastures new. Now it is the turn of Wiltshire horn/Boray cross lambs. Looking forward to getting to know their personalities, helping to keep them safe and healthy and volunteering for a worthwhile cause, which is conservation grazing.

🔚And Finally

Sunday 3rd March is World Wildlife Day, I showed the kids in assembly some wildebeest in Africa, and they found the frogspawn on the pond fascinating and the toad spotted in the road.

And a Bit More Finally

In last week’s update I mentioned that I’d joined a podcasting community to a) invite guests to speak at Random Dialogues events and b) guest on podcasts too. Just had a play and made this and I’ll share how I did it in my next Canva workshop ⬇️

As always, thank you❤️ CLICK TO REVIEW.

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

Random Dialogues ❤️
Core Values: ⚡️Vision ⚡️Vitality ⚡️Voice


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