Did You Know?

The UK produces more single use plastic waste per person than almost any other country in the world?

The "Big Plastic Count" is maybe the easiest thing we can all do to get involved to make a MAJOR impact ⚡

Support @greenpeaceuk and @everydayplastics with "The Big Plastic Count" by signing up to count your single use plastics for one week. 

It's simple: count all your single use plastics between 16 - 22 May and submit your number at the end of the week.

When the week is over, all the figures from up and down the country will be tallied and Greenpeace will use this information to lobby the government to reduce single use plastic in the UK by 50% AND stop exporting our plastics to other countries.

The link to register is HERE

Below is my random dialogue with Neil, a local Surrey Green Peace activist. With gratitude to Parker PR for his patience and filming skills! (my phone mic is a problem, am investigating what to use)

💡Creative Nudge

Whilst away working in Ukraine, my husband Paul, sent me off on a mission to our allotment to harvest this lovely bunch ⤵️ How do you eat yours?

And Finally🎬

some bees.

📣A Bit More Finally

👋Until next Friday 6:08 am ish.


or to participate.