Is it what lies beneath

or what lays belief? Just curious.

We've got a really squeaky bedroom door, which regularly wakes me at three when my husband gets up for a wee. He suggested spraying some WD40 on the hinges. I couldn't find any, so just sprayed some watery black bike lube over the thick paintwork, which ran down and made a greasy mess and a strong pong.

Once awake, I'm ready for the day, so I pop on my onesie and head downstairs for a cup of green tea, bit of yoga, a handful of nuts, and on Fridays write this newsletter.

Ready to publish at 6.08 am.

📝5️ and a Bit Sentences From Readers of This Newsletter

♾️Inspiring Collaboration

I was listening to Alan Milburn, the former Labour Health Secretary, answer a big question..."How can we save the NHS?"Got me thinking about how we can work together over the long term, to make the big, structural changes we need in our society.That night I was peeking at Sam Kaner's Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making, and decided to Google Sam Hawaii is pursuing long-term, sustainable change by encouraging collaboration!"The Collaborative Leaders Network (CLN) is made up of leaders and practitioners who believe that we have to approach Hawaii’s problems differently, and that collaborative methods offer the promise of real and lasting change."

Ian Moncrieff-MacMillan


The world runs on kindness, but not necessarily the big stuff. A smile to a stranger, some sugar water for an exhausted bee, leaving the autumn leaves in the garden for our invertebrate friends. These small acts give us all a welcoming and easier world when lots of us are struggling just to get by. So please stop sometimes and be kind to those around you – smile, connect and slow down, just a little. The dust will still be there tomorrow, so let yourself be calm, find the peace in a moment and kindness in a small thing.

Sue Sandeman

Thank you

If you're reading this, maybe you'd enjoy contributing 5 and a bit sentences too?

🧡LOVE the video below from Dr Nick Heap, which includes "Random Acts of Listening to Strangers"

"Jane here are two blog posts about Random Acts of Listening here and here . Thanks for sharing the video. As RAOL appeals to you, you definitely have my permission to organise some! (You don't need permission. The idea is free for anyone to use.)"


📰In Other News

 Nick the Teacher has 1.1 million views of his "Luggage or Baggage" video on Tik Tok, which did much better than the one about his "cock".

I've got 2 Random Dialogues videos on there, what else to share?


⚡I created this poll.

And Finally🎬

🌊Water Rangers info here. Thanks for sending over Sarah "Swift"

💡 LEARN some digital design skills virtually with me for free HERE. I'm teaching a group of therapists on Monday, thanks to my mate James. All proceeds will go towards my passion project.

AND THIS >>>6 speakers, 6 minutes each, 60 minutes - you’ll be surprised how well you say when you say it from your heart - Thursday 9th March at 8.00 pm. RESERVE YOUR SPEAKING or LISTENING SPACE ⬇️


PS The lube worked a treat.

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