Life Beyond the Cliche

Random Dialogues 29.12.23, 6:08 am

It's such a cliché to say live every day as though it's your last, and it's not practical, but the past 11 days have taught me that you can't take what you've got and love for granted” Ian (my sister Kay’s husband).

Kay has moved out of the ICU into a medical ward » Instead of Flowers.

Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists

⚡How To Re-frame Negative Emotions by Mia Price at Actualise


Negative emotions actually stem from unconscious paranoia or anxiousness which is just heightened awareness of feelings emerging from your subconscious, related to a particular thing or “trigger”. 

Everything is pendulums. A pendulum is a feedback loop and they exist on a scale of micro to macro. A macro pendulum might be something societally that is established over time, and is kept in place through positive reinforcement, for better or for worse. 

Pendulums also take place on a micro level too… perhaps a feedback loop that occurs in one’s psyche, also established over time. For example, guilt. Often times we can’t consciously recognise that we have been swept up in a pendulum, (by nature, somebody else’s pendulum if not consciously created by you) and once in, it can be pretty difficult to get out. It’s like - imagine you were in a simulation but the only way to exit would be to realise that you’re in a simulation. You’d be going from 0 to 1, nothing to something, unconscious to conscious… the hardest step for one to take. 

This is not to say that we are in a simulation, literally. But metaphorically, the analogy of a simulation fits quite well here because pendulums are essentially “simulated reality” on either a large or small scale. It’s like ‘run’ or ‘go’ as a command on a computer programme has been pressed and the feedback loops begin and play themselves out. 


The same way you can reject a fashion trend, and you’d be rejecting a physical pendulum, you can also reject pendulums that exist in a mental or emotional space. The first step is always ever just to become conscious of it. How would you become conscious that you didn’t want to subscribe to a particular fashion trend anymore? You probably somewhat ‘zoomed out’, and looked at it as a whole “entity”, to notice that you had started doing something you didn’t like in the first place. You have to step out of passive you and into active you. 

The same applies to negative emotions. You have to get good at noticing them as they arise. Then - “How could I restore balance to neutralise/dissipate the paranoia that I’m feeling surrounding this particular thing?”. It’s all a balancing act, and everything is a negotiation. If I have guilt around eating “bad” foods, for example, I might consciously decide that for every bad thing I eat, I’m just going to eat something good. Then notice the shift… where is the need for guilt now? There is no need for guilt, or more generally paranoia, once we’ve noticed it, recognised it surfacing and have given it some conscious energy. 

You channel that unharnessed, unfocused energy, if you like, and give it a vessel through which to flow freely, into an action that you will then take, that will then provide new feedback, and just like that, you’ve created your pendulum. And this time, it serves you.

⚡️The Artist Living in the Shadows | Jason 🎨

Jason and I not only co-hosted the Sunday "Unradio Show" we also created a Random Dialogue where he shared why he wouldn’t recommend setting up a jewellery business. Here you go:

By the way, Jason is on Christmas leave until the 3rd of January. If you are missing him then he’s threading on threads.

How to Grow Younger Series Part 9 by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth 🌱

I am in ‘Sound Health‘ people say, when they are well!

If we are out of ‘harmony’ or health, we may have a ‘dis-ease’.

Correct resonance frequency, the part of the body out of tune, is used by most healers and modalities, such as in Acupuncture and Eastern Theory. 

Re-alinement is not necessarily instant, but on our own we can use our own self-created sounds, to revitalise, re-aline, and restore, our well-being.

And it’s a tool for healing we all have: and it’s free: yes: it’s our voice. 

Not singing (also healing) but ‘humming’.  

It’s called ‘ entrainment’ : where we shift and change frequencies and vibrational rates within our own body, using the guttural ‘humming voice ‘to all parts of our internal organs, and the chakras. 

Humming is a sound everyone can make.

It has been proven to lower blood pressure and Heart rate, it releases melatonin: aiding sleep and also even depression, releasing Nitrite Oxide: a vaso dilator, to aid blood flow. 

And Endorphins (opiate).

Take two, deep, long breaths then on the third out breath  - release a long HUM to release stress.

Some say The original sound ” is the humming of ‘Prana’  ( lifeforce) known as ‘OM ‘

Chanting is particularly seen in the East and Asian cultures.

Especially Buddhism.

Humming is not chanting. 

We welcome your comments.

We are also writing on LinkedIn and Instagram.


Breath. Live. Life.💚🌱


Seeing The Way with Ian Moncrieff MacMillan 👀

This week, Ian found it hard to see as some of his new LED bulbs had a very high-frequency strobe flash. Many phones have a slow-mo mode so it’s worth checking your lights out this way too. Ian’s investigating the best low-energy flicker-free type of lightbulb and I’ll report back once we’ve had our weekly check-in.

🔚And Finally

"Whether you're looking to find career opportunities, expand your business, find new clients, or simply connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and vision, this book will help you achieve your goals, one random dialogue at a time..."

This year Fraser Hay and I co-authored a book titled "Business Networking: Beyond Small Talk"

Pictured in the collage below are some lovely people with our book >> Simon George, Niall Jones, Lizzie Carol, Steve Paige and Katrina Sargent ⬇️

🎣And a Bit More Finally

To help promote our book in 2024, I’ve made a mindmap in Canva. Maybe there is a way we can collaborate with you? For starters we’d be truly grateful for a review or two. Thank you ❤️ CLICK TO DO

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

As always, thank you for your contributions.

Jane ❤️
what’s the topic, issue or subject that you feel passionate about and want to share?


  • Tuesday 9th January 10am to noon - 🐝Guildford Buzz » BOOK

  • Wednesday 10th January, 8 pm to 9 pm 📣Random Dialogues #25 online 6 speakers, 6 minutes each, 60 minutes. INFO

  • Saturday 13th January 4.30pm to 5.30pm - 💥January Energiser at Burpham Yurt 3 SPACES LEFT

  • Monday 15th January, 8.30 pm to 8.48 pm 🎨FREE Canva for Beginners on Zoom » CREATE A VISION BOARD WITH ME

  • Energiser Hours » HERE

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