- Random Dialogues
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- What Would You Like To Be Known For?
What Would You Like To Be Known For?
Just imagine you’ve been invited to speak for up to 6 minutes about something you’re passionate about. What would you share? What would you like to be known for?
🖋️Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists
⚡How To Grow Younger, Medicine of the Future Series Part 43 by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth🌱
“Celestial Sights and Sounds”
The full Blue Moon 🌝 has passed—a beautiful sight.
We seem to see with greater clarity the beauty of nature and the wonders of her creation these days.
And so we should also see the incredible fragility of life and the power of nature itself.
I’m listening to the sound of the wind in the trees on a very windy day.
My greatest joy is the dawn chorus, daily. I awaken to catch it, in fact.
Noise pollution is growing, as is air pollution.
So, set aside some still, quiet, fresh air time—whatever the weather, I would say.
"The Sound of Silence" was a song way back when…
Tuning fork harmonics are my morning meditation on myself—after the bird song.
Sound healing is so enjoyable.
The inner ear connects to the skull and cerebrospinal fluid, which also bathes our nervous system in the spine. 💀
The sound frequencies travel through these fluids into the skull, cerebellum, and amygdala—a horseshoe-shaped bone, hollow, in the central skull area. It has only recently been scientifically proven, but now we know it is the seat of our emotional memories.
In my 30 years of practicing as a professional acupuncturist, now semi-retired, sound healing always was—and still is—a most powerful influence.
Tuning forks are now some of my most effective tools.
Music is the most powerful influence on us as a species.
Plants respond, as do water crystals, to sound… Opera singers can shatter glass.
In the case of tuning fork therapy, whether through sound or by applying them to various parts of the body, a beneficial process of resonance occurs.
When the frequency, measured in vibrations per second (Vps), is applied by focusing the sound generated by tuning forks through air sound via ear channels, or by placing the tuning forks on various parts of the body—particularly on acupuncture points instead of needles—it helps establish a new pattern of balance.
This process can erase the detrimental patterns caused by the negative resonance of ill health.
I have always called the amygdala in the skull "the ocean of emotion," where one can clear and soothe the anxieties of life and living without losing anything vital or the control that we, quite rightly, value so much.
It’s the medicine of the future.
No drugs.
Just clear and calm.
Simple but true.
Do listen to my Random Dialogue talk (at 36:20 mins) HERE
Health is wealth💚🌱
Also occasionally posting on Instagram

⚡The Artist Living in the Shadows 🎨
Spot the dog

🔚And Finally

🏁And a Bit More Finally
I'm excited to share that Jonathan has kindly invited me to chat on his Potency World podcast show! He asked me to send over three questions that he can ask me about Random Dialogues, and I'd love to get your input.
Here are the questions I’m considering:
What inspired you to start Random Dialogues, and how has the concept evolved since its launch in 2017?
How does the 6 minutes, 6 speakers, 60 minutes format work, and what impact have you seen it have on participants?
What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to find their keynote message or is nervous about public speaking?
Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish)
My next ‘FREE Canva for Beginners’ workshop is Monday 16th September from 8:30pm to 8:48pm on Zoom. You are invited » REGISTER HERE
Random Dialogues 27 is on Wednesday 25th September from 8PM to 9PM 1 speaker slot remains » INFO