This Is Not The Reverend's Dog

Random Dialogues 1.12.23 6:08 am

Risk assessment forms, high-vis jackets for everyone, first aid kits, helpers, inhalers, social stories, road crossings explored, pavement trip hazards, dog poo moments etc.

It takes a fair amount of energy and admin to organise a simple outing for a group of school children to see the depiction of a nativity scene in a stained glass at the local church.

So when the children return from the trip and tell you that the most memorable part of the entire educational experience was the Reverend’s dog who walked there with us, well it makes it so worthwhile 🤣🐶⛪

I’m enjoying teaching 3 days a week, I love the routine, the sociable fun and the kids. It’s been 25 years since I first began teaching, and I’ve taught in sooo many different ways - private, state, international, and my “Resilient Kids” movement that evolved from these experiences - diy website here.

I’m also working with 7 children outside of school on a 1:1 basis. Its tutoring and coaching blended with Random Dialogues. Sometimes there’s a bit of Maths and English but I’m mostly guided by their interests. The other day I took one of the children to the community garden, and another on an educational walk around Guildford followed by a hot chocolate. Next week we’re heading to the library. The first child I tutored in 1998 is now 33!

By the way, what are you learning about at the moment? Perhaps you’d like to write something about it for next week’s newsletter?

Not the Reverand’s, “This Is My Dog” by the Artist Living in the Shadows

📰Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists

 ⚡️“Mushrooms As Medicine and Nutrition” How to Grow Younger Series Part 5 by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth 🌱

Well. Full moon in Gemini was awesome: the Beaver Moon on 27th November in a totally clear and cold sky. 🌝

And now it’s.. December! Already. Winter is definitely here, love it or hate it. No doubt about it. And we can look at the joys of celebrating and getting through another year, for better or for worse, yes we made it! 

Enjoy what we can, and each day, I say, come what may. 

In last weeks mushroom Random Diablog, I covered the wonderful world of Mushroom recycling properties. Most interesting. And could now mention a myriad of other aspects we can use them for…exciting! And I may get round to that. Though maybe in next week’s blog. 

This week I thought we should take a breath. Slow down. Before the seasonal wave carries us away. 

To reflect.. after the last of the years and Winter's full moon  .. And so I head onto ‘How to grow Younger ‘ considerations for, and in, this Seasonal time.

I said, enjoy what we can and each day 🙏

And as we enter December and the celebrations of this month, of heartfelt abundance and gifting: tis the season of giving. 

Let’s take a moment to give gratitude for what we can.

Each morning before the day even begins, give thanks, gratitude, for a new day, and what it may bring.

Each day will hold and bring, perhaps more, perhaps less, of what we want, or what we need: change is inevitable, as movement is life, and so much is actually free… generosity and kindness, thoughtfulness and selflessness, consideration, and smiles! 

Slow down. Breath. Reflect: on the values in your life, and how you are living. 

Our attitude to life and indeed to each other, and how to live and indeed living, is the greatest revitaliser and restorer of longevity. 

That we can all share in. 

We are all on the same planet, so it makes sense to embrace the world around us, however or however little we can. 

It makes all the difference  to many. 

Even the animals and birds. 

Even the beavers. 

And gratitude keeps us young.  Really.


Breath. Live. Life.💚🌱


»Up Until Now by Ian Moncrieff MacMillan | Seeing The Way 👀

I have a lot going on. We all do.

Can be pretty overwhelming, so stuff gets left.

Left until you've got more energy, more courage, more prepared, more...whatever.

So nothing changes.

Up until now.


So nothing changes.

Up until now.

It doesn't have to be this way.

I can change the story. We all can.

I haven't done X, 

Nor reached out to Y, 

Nor looked for a way to overcome Z,

Nor prepared to fail forward....up until now.

Boom. Adding "up until now" flips our brains onto a new storyline.

🔚And Finally

Barbie, the old lady scene

🎣And a Bit More Finally

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

Thanks as always for your contributions.

Jane ❤️
What’s the Topic, Issue or Subject that you feel passionate about and want to share?


  • Monday 11th December, 8 pm to 8.18 pm 🎨FREE Canva for Beginners on Zoom » CREATE WITH ME

  • Tuesday 12th December, 10am to noon - 🐝Guildford Buzz » BOOK

  • Wednesday 10th January, 8 pm to 9 pm 📣Random Dialogues #25 online 6 speakers, 6 minutes each, 60 minutes. INFO

I’m also putting on a woodland gathering in Shere, let me know if you are interested in joining me to sit in nature, chat, and chill for an hour on a Saturday afternoon.

Enjoy my Energiser Hours » HERE

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