Random Dialogues Friday 6:08am (ish)

8th September 2023

With the new part-time job that I'm thoroughly enjoying, staying organised has become essential, especially when it comes to meals.

For example, at 6:00 am on Thursday morning, I took out numerous store cupboard ingredients for Madhur Jaffrey’s vegan aduki bean dish.

Since it was all readily accessible it didn’t take me long after work, to concoct and cook, in my Instant Hot Pot.

Amazingly, my family enjoyed it, super tasty.

For afters, I retrieved some frozen foraged Cornish blackberries, popped them in some little ramekin dishes and topped them with the leftover crumble topping mix from the fridge - 10 minutes in the air fryer.

2 minutes to scoff.

📰More Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists

» I Found The Way

St Michael's Way, to be precise.

I was wandering around the Knell Monument on the hill above St Ives and found this sign.

I followed the path for a couple of miles to get to the top of Trancrom Hill overlooking St Michael's Mount...and climbed up to see the giant's fingerprints.

Ian Moncrieff MacMillan Ι Seeing The Way 👀

» Late Summer. Fruits and Blossom Time

Yes. This is the season of fruit and flowers and to feel the joys of life and living, that our hearts were born for.

As I continue the journey begun, here again, on how to grow younger, I continue with the idea of the emotion of Joy related to the Heart, the sound of the heartbeat, the sound that binds oxygen to our blood, yes, also how to invigorate our blood flow and maintain a constant and level blood pressure.

Nature and natural spaces ideally give rise to this state of well-being, but did you know oxygenated blood is the best way to improve our immune system? And low-frequency sound, or music, also can also enhance our immunity. The Vagus Nerve, responsible for optimal health, when naturally stimulated, can reduce chronic inflammation in the body, which gives rise to numerous maladies.

So your favorite, low-frequency, music, can, in fact, trigger the release of dopamine in the body, which empowers our immune system, our white blood cells to help the body fight infection, and other diseases.

‘If music be the food of life.. play on’ Shakespeare.

How to grow younger then, you ask?

The simple answer is: Improve your immunity. Love your heart, nourish your heart, and feel the joy of heart consciousness, and well-being.

Coupled with the outdoors, fresh air, some organic fresh produce, non-refined foods ( less bad salt), and less sugar products, as we know: but also some low-frequency sound healing, or music that fills us with joy, to bring us into harmonic balance, with ourselves and nature: and so the natural laws of life and living.

As simple as that. Just try it. Now is the time to reset our ways and habits, be aware, thoughtful, mindful, to love ourselves, love the day, and enjoy being in the natural rhythms of life itself. We were born to feel and enjoy being alive.

Enjoy what you can because Health is Wealth.


Heart Love. 💚🌱

Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth 🌱

»I Think My Phone Needs Updating

»Nature’s Random Larder

Firstly, this isn’t one for vegetarians so will go there next time.

Over the last four decades or so we have become increasingly removed from where our food comes from. People have little or no idea of where the meat on their plate has originated and most don’t care which is also a problem.

We must raise awareness of food quality and promote ethics in food production. Education is the key to this. It needs to be more accessible for all. At the moment it is seen as an exclusively middle-class aspiration to have organic products and sustainably sourced goods etc. In short, it needs to be promoted as the way forward for all. The more people who start to insist that supermarkets stock meats that have been raised to high standards the sooner prices will lower (in theory!).

But we all know this really, we look for higher standards in production and understand the arguments for it. We read the labels to check where the product has come from. We look to see if our chicken is free range for example or if our pork is outdoor bred. All commendable but are we missing a trick?

Go for a walk in the countryside and I would wager that one will see at least one rabbit and a plethora of pigeons. They are a gift. A near inexhaustible supply of meat. All very much free-range and sustainable to say the least. Rabbit was once eaten with gusto but after myxomatosis demand dropped. The film Watership Down didn’t help the cause of eating rabbits either! The meat from these two animals is lean and very healthy. And the reproduction rates are phenomenal thus making them highly sustainable and cheap. As a boy, we would regularly go shooting for pigeons and rabbits for the pot. I have plenty of recipes that are cheap, quick, and easy not to mention healthy.

If we could only persuade people that this is a viable option. Ditch cheap and badly produced chicken etc and enjoy fresh wild rabbits for a fraction of the price. Beautiful roast pigeon would be much more affordable and of course sustainable. And there I go again with that word! But it is a keyword if we are to move forward with food production. By doing our bit we can make a difference. Asking the butcher for a brace of pigeon! Or a rabbit for Lapin Provencal? And of course pheasant, partridge, and grouse in season. All a cheap and healthy alternative options to what the supermarkets are offering.

Nature has a natural and healthy larder that we must tap into. Cheap and sustainable (there I go again). The same with edible plants that grow in abundance, nettles for example, it’s all there for us.

And the same can be said of our coastal waters and inland rivers and streams (when not being polluted). They are full of beautiful flavoursome fish. The French make good use of everything the waters have to offer. We catch so much fish that can’t be landed and thus thrown back and what does get back is sent abroad as people don’t want it. This needs to change surely? We are surrounded by millions of aquatic tastes and we do nothing to utilise this. It is madness.

We are living in a natural larder and its time to wake up to this. There is no need for people to go without when we have so much at our fingertips! Time to change our thinking.

John FitzAlan-Blackhurst | A Tweed Read

» Netflix, Flix, Flick, Flicker?

» Nothing Random  

from John Ballard this week, so I’ll post a pic of us and look forward to seeing him and Mark at Guildford Buzz this Tuesday!

Mark, Me and John


  • Tuesday 12th September, 10am to noon - Networking Comes Alive at GLIVE! 🐝Guildford Buzz » BOOK

  • Thursday 28th September, 8 pm to 9 pm 📣Random Dialogues #25 online 6 speakers, 6 minutes each, 60 minutes. Confirmed speakers at mo - Clare Millington, Phil Shepherd, Adam Buttery, Matt Cadman, Sarah Winterflood » SPEAKER BRIEF for info, perhaps you’d like to give it a go? Respond to this update and let me know.

  • Monday 8th October, 8 pm 🎨FREE Canva for Beginners on Zoom » LET’S CREATE

🔚And Finally

Niall, thanks for reading my book “Beyond Small Talk”

Niall Jones of “The Peer Space”

🎣And a Bit More Finally

Sunsetting at Rosamund Community Garden, Guildford which this week received a Gold award for the “Best Wildlife Garden” ❤️ Join us for Apple Pressing fun on Sunday 8th October🍎 » INFO 

by Lisa

Sarah “Swift, Julie, Clare (who will be speaking at Random Dialogues on the 28th) and AnneLize

Thanks as always for your contributions, please keep them coming!

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

Jane 🥰

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