Remembering Nan

Who This Week Peacefully Passed Away Aged 102

July 23rd 2019 - a trip to visit 99-year-old Nan in the care home

Me: There’s a 2-hour Glenn Miller radio special in the lounge Nan, it's being broadcast via Radio Wey.

Nan: Yes, that’s for the old people.

Me: You are the oldest person here Nan.

Nan: Yes.

Me: The nurse said you aren’t drinking enough.

Nan: I know, they keep track of everything I eat and drink, it’s like “MFI”. I thought you were going on safari wearing that hat Jane, I didn’t recognise you. You look like a cowboy.

Me: You know Boris is Prime Minister Nan.

Nan: Yes, what a load of rubbish, utter rubbish. I watched it on TV, tell Paul I watched his ITV news program, he likes it when I tell him. Come again soon.

4 generations - me, daughter, mum, nan (2019)

✒️5 Sentences from You

(a weekly space for readers to send over 5 sentences)

Our Version of Events

Song by Emeli Sandé over a decade ago... and the tension for change is soooo much greater now.

You've got the words to change a nation
But you're biting your tongue
You've spent a lifetime stuck in silence
Afraid you'll say something wrong
If no one ever hears it how we gonna learn your song?
So come on, come on
Come on, come on

Catch the rest of the message here 👉

Ian Moncrieff MacMillan

📰Good News Friday

A space to share GOOD news.

For example,

Peter is a beekeeper who’s big on bees, bumblebees and bugs of all types and is keen to share how we can help our insect friends. He joined us at May's virtual "Random Dialogues 24" event and this week spoke at ZERO in Guildford about “The Plight of the Bumblebee”. 

The good news is if we all planted more pollinator-friendly plants, increased public awareness about their importance, and preserved their natural habitats, then we might just save them.

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

If You Made It This Far🎬

March 23rd 2018 - a trip with my daughter to see 97-year-old Nan at her house

Nan: Do you like my tulips?

Me: Yes they are beautiful really lovely colours Nan.

Nan: Mum got them for me in Alders.

Me: Nice, do you mean Aldi?

Nan: Guess how much they cost?

Me: £5

Nan: £3, it's very good value in Alders.

Ellie: We go to Aldi too sometimes, mum likes the lasagne.

Nan: Really you have an Alders near you do you? I like your hair up like that Jane, gets it off your face, and your bright top looks good on you, all the young girls are wearing them.

Me: I'm 46.

Nan: Yes please a cup of tea would be nice and bring those Quality Street in.

Rest in Peace Nanny Winny.

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