Malc This Is For You!

Random Dialogues 26.4.24 6:08 am (ish)

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend my mate Malc’s dad’s funeral but I was there for the wake, where he and I reminisced over an apple cake. I shared with him last week’s story of my mum’s four frozen legs of lamb. He properly chuckled. I told him about this newsletter, the Random Dialogues speaking events, and how I wasn’t sure what to write for this week. He suggested I write about our chat as it cheered a bleak day. I’m typing this in my car while he’s smoking a ciggy, beneath the marquee being pelted with April rain. Sorry for your loss Malc.

Meanwhile, if you missed last week’s Countryfile, check out the last 3-minutes (which took 2 days to film) at Rosamund Community Garden. Both the head gardener Clare, and Peter the beekeeper have spoken at Random Dialogues⬇️

🖋️Random Diablogs from Random Dialoguists

Scent & Psyche - Our senses influence our experience of the world by Jin

Music! Colour! Fragrance! All enhance our lives considerably, contributing to some of our most ‘felt’ experiences.

Yet sometimes called the forgotten sense, a long time dismissed altogether our olfactory ability & how we perceive smell remains a mystery. 

Though the concept dates back to Egyptian times, ‘aromachology’ is a relatively new term for the study of the relationship between scent & psyche & it was just 30 years ago the neural receptors that enable our brains to perceive aroma were identified.

Some might say: the more soulful the creation, the more soulful the experience of it, but then we have ventured out of the visible, audible, olfactory zones of our sensory spectrum into a somewhat more subjective zone. Getting back to the measurable all of these senses can be measured in MHz of frequency & where there is frequency there is resonance.

We are the artists of our own lives, free to play with a full palette of sensory stimuli, that we may harmonise with what uplifts, calms, heals or promotes joy.

We are in harmony with nature because we are nature! Sounds from instruments made from natural elements & materials, words, mantras, song. Colour from natural pigments, (the Renaissance paintings come to mind), although there is a revival of pigment paint made from different types of stone & plant matter & so too fragrance enjoyed in the temples of old, made from plants, all have harmonious benefits, 

Inhaling an exquisite fragrance can be comparable to looking at a remarkable work of art or listening to a captivating piece of music, giving us a moment to pause & transcend the thoughts of our busy minds, & creating a space of freedom to just be in.

How To Grow Younger, Medicine of the Future Series Part 25 by Yvette Masure | Health is Wealth 🌱 

The all-in-all benefits of fornication

First and foremost we must consider Yin and Yang as the foundation and formation of all things.

Yes, it is an ancient Chinese concept and philosophy, but I have found it in the 55 (!) years of applying it to life, and my philosophy of living is well rooted. It describes an oppositive but yet interconnected perpetuating cycle of Life.

Well, worth investigating Yin &  Yang can be thought of as a complementary force that integrates, to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the dynamic parts.

We can apply Yin & Yang to everything. With man and woman seen as the crown of creation: and my first stop.

Okay, so in this modern world, we now do have spoken of, countless variations of man and of woman. However, speaking, masculine and feminine do have complementary and opposing energetics and energies and this leads to interactive relationships.

Man spreads his seed, and woman, receives it to propagate, whatever gender and concepts you believe in, that’s a fact!

So after what could be a long debate on this, we could be led to basics: sex and/ or  love. Just like last week I asked how do we separate science from snake oil (referenced only as subject comparisons I must add).

Personally, I do think, as I was asked,  that orgasms are good for our well-being.

The release of such energies, in our bodies, particularly as an exchange, is a blessing and gift, whether done with love or just sharing intimacy, in my opinion. 

The orgasm opens the kundalini pathway and also applies Tantric practices within the exchange, enabling organ revitalisation between partners. 

However. The consequences are to be noted:

* children ( procreated) are for life.

*The emotional costs are rewarding but high in a relationship; and in the caring for children.

*STD’s/HPV/HIV/ AIDS / HSV.. herpes 1&2 … are all sexually transmitted infections. 

Are these good enough reasons to abstain? I think not. 

Be mindful, choosy, and communicate. 

Be moderate and take precautions: with yourself. 

You are special.

You are unique.

You are a child of the Universe


 Enjoy that without giving it away thoughtlessly. 

Men and women are driven by sex.

And sometimes by love.

Know what consequences you are after.

Breath. Live. Love… yourself.🍄💚🌱


Panda ❤️

⚡The Artist Living in the Shadows 🎨

Has lost his mojo and changed his logo.
“Take yourself to an art gallery for a day,“ I say.

🔚And Finally

🎣And a Bit More Finally

📣THIS WEDNESDAY! Stand Up & Speak For Yourself - Random Dialogues 26

What’s the Topic, Issue, or Subject that you’re Passionate About and Want to Share?

This virtual format is 6 speakers, up to 6 minutes each plus time for quick-fire Q&A. Wednesday, May 1st from 8 pm to 9 pm live on Streamyard.

Until next Friday at 6:08 am (ish).

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